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In an unexpected turn of events during the Freebord event in Morocco, the Freebord crew found themselves to the Agadir Surf Expo, where the crew, led by the Rookie of the Year 2022 Adnane Chiboub, caught the attention of Hashtag Radio.

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Agadir Surf Expo – Unexpected Invitation from Hashtag Radio

The Freebord crew, armed with their boards, descended upon the Agadir Surf Expo as part of their Moroccan adventure. The expo, known for celebrating various board sports, became an impromptu stage for the Freebord riders.

The excitement didn’t end with the expo. Hashtag Radio, drawn to the unique sight of Freebord riders in action, reached out for an interview. Quentin Streum and Adnane found themselves invited to the Hashtag Radio podcast to share the story of Freebord and their experiences in Morocco. It was an unexpected but welcome opportunity to spread the word about Freebord to a broader audience.

On the Air: Quentin Streum and Adnane’s Podcast Debut

During the podcast, Quentin and Adnane took the virtual stage, discussing everything Freebord. From the intricacies of Freebord riding to the community’s passion for the sport, the podcast provided a platform to delve into the world of Freebord. The hosts at Hashtag Radio were intrigued by the unique blend of snowboarding and skateboarding that Freebord brings to the streets.

Developing the Moroccan Freebord Scene

The unexpected podcast appearance served as a catalyst for developing the Freebord scene in Morocco. The exposure on Hashtag Radio opened doors for new connections and opportunities. As the Freebord crew shared their passion, more Moroccans became interested in this exhilarating sport, contributing to the growth of the local Freebord community.

The Freebord adventure in Morocco took an unexpected turn, transcending the slopes and finding its way into the airwaves through Hashtag Radio. This unplanned exposure not only highlighted the unique nature of Freebord but also played a crucial role in expanding its presence in Morocco. The journey continues as Freebord enthusiasts around the world unite to carve their path, one unexpected experience at a time.